
Get your Zune to play nice with Windows Vista

It's been well-established that for some strange reason the Zune doesn't work with Windows Vista -- yet, anyway. (Hey, it's not out yet, ok?) Fortunately for those of you Microsoft überfanboys who suffered much frustration after buying a Zune and trying to install its software on your Vista machine, there's now a solution. While we won't regurgitate the exact step-by-step instructions outlined on MoDaCo, we will tell you that it involves your Zune CD, WinRAR and a MyZune.msi patch. If that method doesn't work for whatever reason, you can always try a similar strategy that Andre de Cavaignac found, which involves Orca (a Microsoft-made disassembler for MSI). As usual, we take no responsibility if either of these methods turns your Zune or your box into a brick, but be sure to let us know in the comments if one of these methods ends up doing the trick.

[Via MAKE: Blog]

Read - MoDaCo
Read - Andre de Cavaignac