
RTX Cordless DualPhone 3088 offers landline / Skype calling

We can all get a bit sensational at times, but RTX Telecom apparently thinks its DualPhone 3088 is a marvel of modern science. Touting its "standalone nature" and "landline / Skype functionality" as quite the awe-inspiring duo, the admittedly average dual-function phone doesn't deviate too far from the path already blazed by other computer-freesolutions. The device can make and receive both traditional landline and Skype In / Out calls without the need for your PC to be near or even powered on. Per usual, the phone includes a separate base station that sports inputs for your landline and router connection, and then broadcasts the signals wirelessly "up to 300 meters" to the cordless phone station set up elsewhere. It also features the latest DECT technology, an LCD to skim through your contact list, and claims to play nice with both Macs and PCs -- which makes perfect sense considering no computer is required at all. Nevertheless, British users looking for a matte black option to juggle your landline and VoIP calling duties can pick up the DualPhone 3088 now for £109.99 ($209).