
Screw shopping, let's play Gears

I was up bright and early to do some shopping and let's just say it sucked. Lots of people, lots of driving and lots of coffee. So, in protest of going shopping today I invite you to join me on Xbox Live today for some Gears of War multiplayer fun. I'll be online today (after I take a nap) in the afternoon playing Gears with some friends so I invite you to join us. Who wants to go shopping anyway? And for those Xbox 360 Fanboys that end up kicking my ass I'll update this post and list their gamertags so everyone in fanboy'dom can worship their greatness. Instant celebrity! My gamertag is SuperDunners, so simply send me a friend request or a message stating you'd like to prove your Gears of War greatness and I'll send you a game invite. Yeah, it's quite leisurely and low key and yes you can talk as much smack as you want, but be forewarned ... I am crazy good. See you online this afternoon!