
NBA player can't get Wii/PS3

N'Gai Croal of Newsweek reports that even Washington Wizard's point guard Gilbert Arenas can't get a Wii or PS3 using that most powerful of skills: Celebrity. Arenas writes on his blog that if he had called up stores saying he was LeBron (LeBron James) or D-Wade (Dwyane Wade) that he would have gotten a system.

We're going to go out on a limb here and guess that if Arenas wants a console bad enough he'll have no problem scoring one on eBay, considering his six-year contract, expiring in 2009, will earn him $65 million. N'Gai Croal ends his piece advocating for Sony or Nintendo to, "Hook a brotha up." Wish N'Gai would advocate to hook us and a couple readers up while he's advocating for multi-million dollar earning athletes.