
Itagaki denies sexual harassment claims

Earlier this month, we reported that a former Tecmo employee was charging Tomonobu Itagaki (creator of the DOA series) with sexual harassment. After completing its own internal investigations, Tecmo has publicly responded, categorically denying the sexual harassment claims. Furthermore, the company clarifies that the woman was not fired but quit of her own volition. After that, however, things get a little sticky. From what we can gather, something definitely happened. According to Tecmo, the woman (and presumably Itagaki) "mingled personal affairs with their corporate responsibilities," resulting in "unnecessary confusion." In the aftermath, both the woman and Itagaki were demoted and had their salaries reduced. Something tells us "unnecessary confusion" must be pretty serious if it results in a pay cut. In an attempt to counteract the defamation of his name, Itagaki plans to countersue his accuser for damages.

Sexual harassment is no joke, but one has to wonder if this has affected the sales of Dead or Alive Xtreme 2.

[Via Evil Avatar]