
Red Kawa strikes again: file server ease!

You may or may not recall the piece we did a week or two ago about the video conversion software brought to you by Red Kawa for your PS3. If you remember, thanks! If not, read the link and download the software -- it can only be helpful, right? I wonder if anyone's reading this site via the PS3 browser. That would be cool. Anyway.

Some people have been expressing trouble in moving stuff from their PC to their PS3. Moving cards back and forth, transferring data at a pretty tedious pace... worry not of these things! Red Kawa has upped more free software, this time it's a File Server program. What's it do? It lets your PS3 talk to your PC, basically. You can view and copy files from your PC onto your PS3 -- via the PS3. Can any other console do that? Not yet. This is really cool and if I had a PS3 I would definitely rock out with this piece of software in conjunction with the video converter. Go download it, gentlemen and ladies and let us know how it truly operates!