
Third-party Wii component cables for under $7

It's really sort of bizarre when you think about it. The saga of the Wii component cables has been a long and storied one: first, they were rumored to be online-only; then Perrin Kaplan confirmed they'd be hitting retail; then they showed up online and were promised in stores by December 5th; they sold out within a day and retail dates were pushed back; finally, frustrated with the lack of an official solution, resourceful gamers made their own. The saga may come to an early end with the release of Blaze's $6.71 third-party component cables, shipping from Hong Kong on the 30th (we know, more waiting!) from online retailer Until we can easily pick up a pair of Wii component cables, either online or at brick-and-mortar joints, this saga is still playing out.

[Via Engadget]