
Nintendo's Wii component cables back in stock

Those of you who've managed to get your well-lubricated hands on a Wii, but were stuck without the component cables you needed for maximum clarity, can put down the alligator clips, forget about the third-party solutions, and hop onto Nintendo's online store to order the previously sold-out official cable for the (just-this-side-of) reasonable asking price of $29.95. The ordering page proudly declares, "As of Wednesday, November 29, 2006, we will be resuming shipments of all back orders for the Wii Component Video Cable." But don't go getting greedy! These things don't grow on trees and, in order to fill back orders and accommodate new orders, Nintendo is demanding that "Wii Component Video Cables orders [be] limited to one per household. Any duplicate orders will be canceled without notification." Interested parties better hurry up before these sell out! Again.