
Civilization coming to the DS?

Sid Meier recently sat down with Gamespot to discuss Civilization and the possibility of it gracing handhelds. With how well Age of Empires works on the DS, we'd love to see more strategy games hit the console. Turns out, Sid agrees, stating that:

"Our goal is to deliver Civilization on any game platform that makes sense. If we can deliver a fun experience to the players on the DS, then we'll do it. We're still in the exploratory mode on all of this, but will definitely let you know our plans as soon as they're set."

So, we're assuming that they're looking to the console for a version, in some form, of a Civilization game. Personally, we'd like a game built from the ground up exclusively for the platform, but perhaps that is a pipe dream. With how well the DS is consistently selling, we feel Firaxis and Sid would be ill-advised to avoid the DS.