
New epic mount drop found in BC

With all of the hoopla going down about the non-expansion patch today, you might almost forget that in a little over a month, we're still going to find a whole new world of items. And news from the beta front is that at least one of them is going to be a sweet new dropped mount.

Tcher over on LJ posts (some strange looking) pics of what appears to be a new mount, and the World of Raids thread related to it confirmed it's a dropped red horsey, found on the first boss in the 10 man Karazhan instance (the boss' name is Attumen the Huntsman). The item requires level 70, but only a riding skill of 150, so it's likely this is your standard 100% epic mount, like the Deathcharger's Reins or the Bloodlord's dino. As you can see from the pic, it looks (and this is a technical term) frickin' sweet.

But aside from the cool looking horse, this could mean a lot of fun other stuff for BC: we already know Blizzard switched the riding prices because they wanted to add more mounts into the game, and so it's likely this isn't the only mount floating around out there. Likewise, this thing drops from the first boss in an instance, while current drop mounts come off of relatively hard bosses (Baron, it could be argued, is the final 5-man boss in the game). Any way you slice it, it looks like this is just the beginning of cool mounts in the expansion (for everyone, too-- look at that cow riding the horse!)