
Cheap Ass Gamer and Play-Asia team up for Child's Play

Lest you think we're the only game (site) in town supporting the Child's Play charity, we want to direct your attention (and your bulging wallets) to our good friend CheapyD's efforts at Cheap Ass Gamer. This year, he's partnered with Play-Asia to give away $1000 in credit to the popular import gameshop ... but that's not all! His legion of "cheap ass" gamers have stood up to pitch in prizes for the runners-up (our favorite: the random box. It's "basically, a ton of older games + accessories, some sealed, some not...NES/SNES/N64/PS1/PS2/Gamecube included.")

$5 buys your raffle ticket but you'd better hurry. You've only got until December 19 at 12:01AM EST to throw your hat into this virtual ring of giving (the hat does not guarantee you a place in the raffle). Check out CheapyD's post for all the rules and regulations and consider spreading your raffle love around this holiday.