
Tigers pitcher sidelined by too much Guitar Hero

While the Wii may be getting most of the attention for video game-related injuries, it's not the only non-conventional controller capable of causing some serious bodily harm -- and as this latest incident shows, not even professional athletes are safe. When Detroit Tigers pitcher Joel Zumaya was sidelined for the first three games of the American League Championship Series earlier this year, the cause of his bad arm was kept under wraps. But now the source of his ailment has finally been revealed, with team president and general manager Dave Dombrowski telling WXYT-AM that too much Guitar Hero was to blame -- after Zumaya gave up the game, his arm improved enough to pitch in the World Series. Of course, this all could have been avoided if he'd rigged up a full-size guitar for Guitar Hero instead of rocking out for hours on end with the bundled pint-sized piece of plastic that dares call itself an axe.

[Via PC World]