
Hands-on with Trioncube

Those lucky buggers at GameSpot got their hands on Trioncube, the weird and wacky puzzler headed out next year from Namco-Bandai, and they've got one thing to say -- sure, you may be stacking blocks in Trioncube, but the game takes it beyond regular old blocks. It's quirky. But didn't we know that from the screenshots? Flying cow heads don't exactly scream tame.

Unfortunately, they haven't got much to add to what we already knew. Their additions? Whimsical audio, sparse visuals (sparse cow heads?), and it's addictive. Well, Trioncube is a puzzler. If it's in any way playable, it's probably addictive.

And yet, even this slimmest of slim previews makes us yearn for the game. We need a good puzzler. Is it February yet?