
More FF awesomeness: Tactics features multiplayer & FFVII kicks butt

An enthusiastic reader, Pal, sent us a great tip about the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics for PSP. Not only will the game come with new cutscenes and new job classes, the game will also feature ad-hoc multiplayer. Many Tactics fans have been waiting patiently for a way to the game with others, and it appears that the PSP version will deliver. If Square-Enix considered Infrastructure multiplayer, I'd imagine that our pal might simply implode.

Finally, if you weren't convinced of Crisis Core's awesomeness, read IGN's latest preview:
"From a strictly gameplay standpoint, Crisis Core seems solid, with a fast pace and the potential for a good mix of action and menu-based battle systems ... Crisis Core looks better than most PS2 games out there. During cinematic scenes, the character models are detailed and fully animated. Battles contain screens with double digit enemies, and giant bosses. All that, and full voice, without any pauses for loading! ... Personally, I think all the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" products released so far have been second rate. But Crisis Core looks so good that it could turn things around on its own."