
PSP second best selling console in UK

The media loves to paint a bleak future for the PSP, calling it a system destined to die. We call those people misinformed. The PSP looks to sell a million units in the UK alone this year, making it the second best-selling console of the year, right behind the Nintendo DS. "People mention us in the same breath as DS because we're both handheld products, but we're actually going after very different markets," Sony UK's commercial director Kevin Jowett told MCV. "We've put in just under £300 million of turnover at retail with PSP because we're such a boys console and we've hit the mark with older gamers."

While the PSP may not be number one, it's certainly not going away any time soon. One has to admit, beating out other consoles, like the Xbox 360, is truly a noteworthy accomplishment.