
Legendary Yule Log broadcast pits SD against HD

Anyone remotely familiar with history in New York or the holiday season in general can remember the ole Yule Log broadcast that showed a burning fireplace with soft, classic seasonal hits cycling through in the background. While it's not likely to be the most invigorating thing on television come Christmas morning, the folks at WPIX, who are restoring the classic log show for a three-hour broadcast, say that it allows families to reminisce and think back on the gatherings of yesteryear. However, Jason Patton -- vice president for business development on INHD -- feels that the new widescreen version of the heartwarming fireplace is the superior rendition. Shot by Ron Roy in high definition, the picture will clearly outshine the "30 year old" version looping on standard cable, but apparently some folks actually prefer the classic look to the new. Nevertheless, we HD freaks should be sure to catch the fiery new version on INHD starting at 7:00AM on Christmas morning and continuing on for 24 hours.