
Final Fantasy Tactics website updates with cool 3D characters

Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the most anticipated titles on the PSP. Why? It was an absolutely brilliant game. Some would argue that its Game Boy Advance successor (Tactics Advance), and the psuedo console succssor, Final Fantasy XII, failed to reach the glory of the original PSone title.

Therefore, every morsel of information that comes out for this game is cherished by gamers at large. The official Japanese website of the game has recently updated with new screenshots, and better yet... gorgeous, rotating 3D models of the game's characters. You'll have to see it to fully appreciate the hand-drawn quality. Hopefully, we'll see more of this game soon (I'm wishing for a quick release, Square!).

(P.S. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash. The site doesn't tell you if you're running an old version.)

[Via digg]