
Live top ten: it's back [update 1]

Back in action and mad with power, Major Nelson has once again posted the top ten most played games on Xbox Live. You may recall that the list was absent last week on account of obscene amounts of wind. Apart from some Xbox Live mainstays, this week's list is a completely new beast. First, the oldies: Gears of War maintains its #1 spot as Call of Duty 3 hangs on to #2 and Vegas remains in the money at the #3 spot. Meanwhile, Madden 07 keeps #5. As for the new wave hits: Assault Heroes shoots all the way up to the #4 spot, while Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, and GRAW all gain a spot to take #6, #7, and #8 respectively. The last two entries are perhaps the biggest surprise we've seen on the list in a while, as Saints Row claims the #9 slot and the Project 8 demo -- not the full game, the demo -- claims the final spot in the top 10. Bizarre, though it might bode well for Project 8's holiday sales. See the handily numbered list after the break.

Each title is followed by its position on the previous breakdown.

Xbox 360 Titles for the week of 12/18:
1. Gears of War (#1)
2. Call Of Duty 3 (#2)
3. Vegas (#3)
4. Assault Heroes (--)
5. Madden NFL 07 (#5)
6. Call of Duty 2 (#7)
7. Oblivion (#8)
8. GRAW (#9)
9. Saints Row (--)
10. Project 8 Demo (--)

Update: Changed Assault Arms to Assault Heroes. I blame too much ham.