
Wireds coolest rooms on the planet

Lets face it. Having a flat panel is not what it used to be. There was once a time that have one of these large flat screens hanging on the wall signaled "you made it." No longer are you in a social class that must deal with big bulky boxes, but alas, times have changed. Now nearly anyone can get a moderate sized flat panel. But yet there is still a difference on how we use 'em.

Wired has a nice picture tour of people that integrate modern technology into their daily lives and they of course of HDTVs in odd but cool places. All of the five featured homes are sweet in their own accord but the 5th one takes the cake.

Lets skip the talk about how the house is modern this and modern that and move onto the room that houses all of the audio/video components. (6th picture) I have done some impressive home theater installs in my life but nothing like this. The room is the size of a tennis court and looks more like a server room then a audio/video hub. Check out how the owner conserves space by having a NEC plasma rotate out of the wall from a vertical position on a robotic arm. And we all were amused by the Ethan Allen plasma chest.

Let us think outside of the box for a moment. What would the coolest way to mount a plasma/large LCD. Personally, I think it would be sweet to have one raise out of the floor and then drop back down when not in use.