
EGM celebrates bicentennial issue

EGM issue 200

The folks over at EGM are celebrating their 200th issue this month and to commemorate the occasion, they've compiled a list of the 200 greatest games of their time. Unlike your typical, run of the mill all-time greatest list, this one focuses on the impact that a chosen game had on gamers and the industry at the time of its release.

So who grabbed top honors? The plumber, of course! More specifically, Super Mario Bros. (NES, 1985), which should come as little surprise given the immediate impact the game had at a time when the industry was at rock bottom. You simply weren't cool if you didn't own a copy of Super Mario Bros. in Junior High.

Also making the top ten were classic titles Pac-Man, Tetris, Legend of Zelda, Street Fighter 2, Space Invaders, and Pong - as well as more contemporary hits Grand Theft Auto III, Mario 64, and Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Given EGM's focus, it may have been more appropriate to call this list "the top console and arcade games of their time", as you won't find Doom, Myst, Diablo, or any other influential PC title here.

For the other 190 winners, grab a copy of EGM 200. Congrats to the EGM staff and good luck on your next 200 issues!