
iProposal: Getting hitched via iPod

With less than a week until Valentine's Day, your favorite (unofficial) Apple bloggers are in a sentimental mood. Or perhaps we're just still swooning over that cool gestures video. Either way, we were thinking about all of those wacky proposals you sometimes see on TV, in which a lovelorn young man rents out the Goodyear Blimp or some such craziness. Then it hit us: What about a proposal via iPod? Arguably they're the hottest gift around. Wouldn't you rather receive a 60GB iPod than a diamond ring? I sure would. So, is it possible that someone, somewhere, sometime may have popped the big question with a shiny rectangle of plastic and metal?

Wonder no more, because it looks like it has happened. How sweet. Good luck, you crazy kids!

So, what's your romantic iPod story?

[Via Very Big Design]