
15-inch G4 PowerBook vanishes from Apple Store

Apple PowerBook G4

Wow, things really appear to be moving over at Apple. As soon as the first round of MacBook Pros start hitting consumers (and they begin the ritual unboxing and disrobing) they announce another event, a "Media Cube" suspiciously appears online, a dev kit Intel box goes up (and comes down) on eBay, and now apparently the G4 PowerBook's been quietly escorted from the building Apple Store. No announcement, no fanfare necessary sending this one off -- er, at least that's what we think is happening. Because, see, the 15-inch PowerBook is still live on the Apple site, it's just that now you can't actually order one (not that you've been able to for a little while now if you were buying for a business). It's gotta happen eventually people.

[Thanks, Matt]