
Mobis Just Mobile Docking Station reviewed

No we didn't get an early scoop on Apple's big Tuesday announcement (yet) -- this little white sound system is Mobis' Just Mobile docking station for Windows Mobile devices, and's got a review of it. They seem pretty keen on it, saying the 25-watts of speaker power provide "wonderfully rich sound." They also dig the compact design and the fact that it works with any audio player, but they're not so impressed with the lack of a remote and no option for battery power. They also found occasional audio feedback from cellular signals, although if your listening habits consist of nothing but a steady diet of Kraftwerk, you probably wouldn't notice. The docking station also doubles as a charger and can be used to sync your device with your PC. Two versions of the docking station are available, depending on what device you'll be using it with, selling for $76.95 and $91.95.

[Via Pocket PC Thoughts]