
MonsterPod camera mount sticks to anything, ensures crooked photos

Folks, the future of self-portraiture is here, and it's not a tripod, a monopod, or even a handy hovering robot -- no, it's the MonsterPod, a device that definitely does not work via suction cups, glue, bean bags, or magic (as the website helpfully points out) and sticks to "1,000 objects and counting." The $30 MonsterPod lets your point-n-shoot seemingly defy gravity thanks to a patent-pending elastic solid known as Viscoelastic Morphing Polymer which forms a temporary bond (anywhere from a minute to an hour) with almost any surface that it comes in contact with after a little pressure is applied. While this is certainly a much more versatile and portable option than traditional tripods (if not more available: the MonsterPod is scheduled to be released "two weeks" from an unspecified date), the near-impossibility of leveling your camera means you better have a passing familiarity with photo editing software so you can rotate and crop all your crooked pics. We're not gonna harsh on the MonsterPod too much , though, as they have a commissioned referral program -- which we've automatically joined by linking to them -- that could finally be our ticket out of this horrid work-from-home, make-our-own-hours lifestyle.

[Via Popgadget]