
cool.Prepaid launches RAZRs

What's that? Another MVNO? And this one's no mere mispunctuated mess of a brand, either, Cool Mobile's cool.Prepaid is attacking Net10 and other budget carriers with a slightly elevated prepaid rate of 30c per day (and 10c per minute), but cool.P is, um, "cool" because they're launching with RAZRs and shortly with SLVRs. Will that, access to Cingular's network, and a SIM-only plan make them enough scrilla to survive in the constantly one-upping MVNO market? We can't say, but we do think before next year's through the market's going to purge most of these operators. Until then you can get your prepaid phone nation wide from the coolest store ever, dude, Sears.

[Via PC Mag]