
Averatec's "green" laptops and Corning's greener LCD

Think you're not contributing to global warming because you sit at home all day in your pajamas blogging instead of driving around in a gas-guzzling SUV? Think again. An announcement from Averatec has reminded us that computers do indeed contribute to the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere (especially desktops and CRT displays, since they burn more electricity). And how is Averatec offering to help reverse the damage its customers are inflicting on the environment as they peck away at their keyboards? According to the company, they will begin selling "climate neutral" laptops. No, that doesn't mean the laptops have somehow been treated with a magic ray that makes them work without electricity. What it really means is Averatec is getting into the emissions trading business, paying a non-profit to "neutralize" CO2 in other areas based on the number of laptops the company sells. And we're not ragging on Averatec for this. Although laptops produce a fraction of the CO2 that desktops do (never mind those SUVs), at least the company is making some kind of effort. As is Corning, which has announced an "extra green" LCD, which the company says will be the first such display free of antimony, arsenic and barium. Didn't know these substances were in your LCD? They're used to reduce air bubbles in glass, and Corning says they've found a way to produce glass for displays without using them. And when these panels hit the market, we're prepared to hop in our SUV, drive the 40 miles to the nearest electronics store, and pick up a couple of them, and then drive another 50 miles in the other direction to grab an Averatec laptop.

Read - Averatec
Read - Corning