
eBay, T-Mobile Germany form partnership

The German branches of T-Mobile and eBay have entered into a mutually beneficial arrangement that should result in more activity for the auction giant as well as more bloated data and text fees collected by the the mobile carrier. As part of the deal, T-Mobile will be the proud new owners of a Partner Portal on eBay, where they will be offering generic mobile Internet information in addition to specific features about auctions-on-the-go. T-Mobile also becomes a member of the "eBay on the move" club, allowing them to incorporate the eBay WAP portal and SMS bidding as part of their services menu, along with the proud owners of the catchy anthem "T-mobile mobilizes eBay." For consumers, the partnership means better deals on phone and service packages when ordered online, and perhaps best of all, regular charity auctions for buying the hottest new smartphone and justifying it to your spouse as a write-off.