
Nikon D200 and Canon EOS 5D in online grudge match

We're not sure comparing Nikon's 10.2 megapixel D200 to Canon's 12.8 megapixel, full-frame EOS 5D is really a fair fight. After all, Canon's camera has a bigger sensor, higher resolution and much higher price ($3,200, vs. $1,700 for the Nikon). However, DigitalCameraInfo decided to put the two cameras in a head-to-head battle (on the rationale that they represent their respective manufacturers latest technologies), and came up with some interesting results. While the 5D, not surprisingly, offered a greater dynamic range and better high-ISO performance, the D200 won points for a faster burst rate, better white balance accuracy, and better controls. So, which one should you choose? The review sort of leaves that up in the air, pointing out that each has its benefits. Sure, in the end, it's not quite an apples-to-apples comparison, but if you're considering either of these cameras, it's well worth the read.