
HDBeat Podcast 006 - 03.28.06

Kevin and I decided to move the Podcast to Tuesdays because Fridays were our drinking HDTV day. I am sure everyone will appriciate the inprovement this week as Kevin and I catch up on this weeks dose of everyone's favorite battle; HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray. I explain why AACS is better than CSS and Kevin lets us know why he isn't taking the wait and see approch. Some programming news, Lenny gets an HDTV and a permanent House guest and we complain that IRl and the PGA are not in HD.

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Ben Drawbaugh and Kevin C. Tofel

Ben Drawbaugh

41:31, 19 MB, MP3

Toshiba delays HD-DVD rollout
Windows Vista will support HD-DVD after all
Boycotting Blu-Ray and HD DVD is not the solution
AACS is better than CSS for consumers
Not everyone believes the studios
HDBeat Poll: Planning a next-gen DVD player purchase?
DVD up-scalers hit 100 bones with Samsungs DVD-HD860
Hooking up a Mac Mini to your HDTV: If it doesn't just work
HD syndication: Seinfeld and Jeopardy
Who do you call when your HDTV........isn't?
SkyHD is (almost) open for business
HDTV Sports Sunday: Golf & Indy don't get it done
Lenny gets a high-def plasma