
New HDMI products - stress relief cables

We all know this scene. You are reaching behind some type of large HDTV display trying to fit that stupid HDMI cable into the little, tiny port, only to be blocked by the other cable that is already there. Next Generation Home Products has you something for you - Stress Relief Cables. These short little cables can take the "stress" out of installing different types of cables in tight spots. Simply slip them into the approriate terminals before installing the HDTV in its location. This way when you are fishing around for the right location to plug in your newest HD device, these little cables will be hanging there just waiting for you to plug into them. Plus, and more importantly, these little cables can relieve the "stress" that can be caused by large cables. Next Generation Home Prodcts has a new HDMI wall plate that works the sameway too.

Thanks for the tip Julie. We will take stress relief anyway we can!