
Study: gamers make better surgeons ... duh!

This shouldn't be news to any of you who've played Trauma Center: Under the Knife on the DS. You've already spent hours perfecting your surgical technique and could, undoubtedly, cut open a human body, repair it, and sew it back up with that training.

A new study conducted by the Beth Israel Medical Center has found that doctors who played video games immediately before a laparoscopic surgery drill finished quicker, implying they made fewer errors. The findings coincide with an earlier study that found that doctors who grew up playing video games "tended to be more efficient and less error-prone" when tested in similar drills.

Exactly what do these drills entail? The surgeon who conducted the study compared laparoscopic surgery to "trying to tie your shoe laces with three-foot-long chopsticks while watching on a TV screen." That game sounds great!

[Thanks, White Rose Duelist]