
Samsung SlimFit HDTVs top CRTs best selling list

People love CRTs - they love to hate 'em. They are heavy, have a small screen and people have seen 'em since they were born. People are just getting tired of them but those fancy flat panels tend to be out of reach of a lot. So what does Samsung do, they come along with a plan to reduce the average depth of a CRT and make it look like a flat panel from the front. It worked. These TVs have been out for about a year and people simply love them; enough so that they now have 42% of the CRT marketshare. These TVs come in 30-inch HDTV style and 27-inch HD and SD with models start around 700 for the former and 300 for the latter.

Chances are that with this big of a marketshare a few of our readers have one of these TVs, Ya like it; tell us about it.
