
Guest host the HDBeat Podcast with Ben and Matt

Have you ever listened to a podcast and really felt like you had something to contribute? We are looking for someone to do just that for an upcoming episode of our HDBeat podcast. You don't have to have any "professional" podcasting experience just some knowledge about high-def in general, a mic and a high-speed connection. Don't worry the topics as we will give them to you early. But we need to make sure you are qualified first.

Drop us an email at hdbeatATgmailDOTcom with why we should choose you. You can tell us stuff like background info that you might have with high definition, your take on the Blu-ray/HD DVD format war or even how Discovery HD changed your life. No attachments please, just write it up in the body of the email.

We are looking to have someone for the 21st HDBeat podcast which we will record on July 10th. We need to have all the submissions in by July 8th so we can have enough time to coordinate with the winner.

Good luck!
Ben and Matt