
Best Buy imposing a 15% restocking fee for Blu-ray players?

Is Best Buy having troubles with Blu-ray player? At least one stores seem to be. One AVS Forum user is reporting that their local Best Buy have signs next to players indicating that they have a 14-day return policy and a 15% restocking fee applies if the product is opened. We still don't know if this is a company wide initiative but we doubt that it is. The Samsung BD-P1000 product page does not indicate anything like that nor does the store return policy that is stated on their website. It could simply be that the one AVS Forum's local store was having tons of issues. I will do a little recon work later in the day to find out if stores in my area is doing the same.

How 'bout you though. Has anyone noticed a 15% restocking fee for the Samsung Blu-ray player or even better, have you attempted to return your $1,000 player only to have been hit with a fee?

[thanks to everyone that sent this in]