
MyNetworkTV the first all HD broadcast network?

We have been wondering for some time what was to come of the many former WB/UPN affiliates once the CW goes live this fall. We're not sure what rock we have been under for the past few months but most of this news is from May. Better late than never, this will possibly be the first all HD network. Don't get too excited because it doesn't look like the new network is going to have something for everyone. Unless your favorite programing is Novelas, yeah we didn't know what they were either, but thanks to Wikipedia we learned they are spanish style soap operas, the kind they make fun of on SNL's Besos y Lagrimas.

The network is owned by Fox Television and CEO Jack Abernethy said, "We will be all telenovelas, all the time."
If you still can't wait to watch check out the affiliate list to see if MyNetworkTV is coming to your area.