
Evergreen's low-cost component/optical remote hub

Evergreen has a tendency to produce low-cost products and you know what, we don't mind. These items might not look like anything fancy but they tend to get the job done for the right price. Their latest jaunt into this market comes in the form of a component video/optical hub that can function via a remote. The unit would allow you to plug three component devices into the hub and then run one cable to your display. That is if your display happens not to be 1080p; not that there is many devices that output 1080p over component, but if you happen to have one, be warned that this hub will not pass that signal. Evergreen understands us and made it switch via a remote. Do yourself a favor though and program the IR signal into the learning remote that you have. The hub is retailing for 9,980 Yen ($86) and is available right now.