
HD Trailer Tuesday

Last week we started back up our HD Trailer Tuesday with a bang and then this week Apple has added four high-def trailers to their site and their all look great in high-def. If you only have time for one trailer this week, check out The Departed. It looks simply amazing with a story of the Boston Police raging war on organized crime with Jack Nicolson as the head crime lord. John Heder, of Napoleon Dynamite fame, is back and stars along side Billy Bob Thornton in School For Scoundrels; it does look funny as it should with the cast. Viva Pedro looks great in HD but it seems a bit too artsy-fartsy for most and the last one for the week stars Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin. The trailer really does look great in high-def even though the flick doesn't. Check 'em out but don't forget that these run on Quicktime and your computer needs to have some power to run the high-res 720p and 1080p files.