
Another analyst, another prediction... PS3 on top in 2011

Aw, man! Another analyst's prediction! Boston research firm Yankee Group has predicted that the PS3 will lead the pack in 2011, followed fairly closely by Microsoft and then the Wii taking up the far, far rear. Numerically, PS3 is expected to sell 30 million units, the 360 will sell 27 million, and the Wii shall sell 11 million units. These numbers are lower than usual predicted total sales because these next-gen consoles are a bit pricier (except the Wii, of course).

The analysts did confirm that the 360 has a pretty fancy hold on the market right now and are in a good position to cut the price of their console by Spring of 2007. They also say Microsoft will probably continue this pricing pressure against Sony throughout the 360's and PS3's life cycle. What a bully, but, business is business. Speaking of pressures, the Yankee Group also noted that games will become a more popular distribution channel for advertisements and stuff. Many billboards in the less fictional games have been "sold" to companies for ads already -- will there be commercials during load screens? What could companies do to advertise to gamers other than having signs in games?