
Got any questions for the PAX panels?

Penny Arcade's

resident bidness man, Robert Khoo, is asking the PA forum posters to think of stock questions to keep the Q&A panels going. Here's the list of events:

  1. Girls? Games? Hah! The Growing Role of Women in the Game Industry

  2. The Domination of Online Games

  3. Breaking into the Game Industry

  4. How the Industry is Busted and What's Being Done to Fix It.

  5. Make a Game For Under 10 Grand: Indy Games in the Hardcore Space

  6. I'm Getting Old: When Life Cuts Into Gaming

  7. Blogphotopodcasting: New Media in the Game Industry

  8. Rolling the Saving Throw: Why the Tabletop Genre Isn't Dead

Go to the linked PA forum page and add your questions via the format "#. question" (e.g., 6. What's more important -- baby sitting or Geometry Wars?).