
Koenigsegg gets laptops into gear

It may not be quite the household name that Ferrari or Lamborghini is, but Swedish supercar maker Koenigsegg is nevertheless getting in on the rebranded laptop action with a pair of its own. The top-end CCR model comes in Koenigsegg's signature orange color, although the specs aren't exactly in the supercar range, with a 2.13GHz Pentium M processor, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive, and a 15.4-inch WXGA screen. The black CC8S takes things down even further with a 1.7GHz Pentium M, 512MB RAM, and the same 80GB hard drive. These'll run you € 2,287 and € 1,587 respectively, or $2,925 and $2,030. If that's not enough to fulfill your Koenigsegg obsession, you can also snag a matching orange projector, although you'll have to buy it based on name alone since Koenigsegg doesn't provide any specs. That one will set you back a full € 2,600, or just over $3,300.

[Via Autoblog]