
SCEA fills months-vacant top PR slot. Salut!

Max Headroom in the house

After Molly Smith jumped ship back in the beginning of June, we wondered who Sony would tap to lead their foundering PR efforts. As of yesterday (three months after Molly's departure) they've finally got their man: Dave Karraker, former PR chief for brands including Stolichnaya, Maker's Mark, Kahlua, Beefeater, and Courvoisier.

Let's hope that he got a nice parting gift from his previous employer, because he's going to need a stiff drink (or three) to sort out the shambles that Sony PR is in.

Let's also hope that Dave's brought his bag of high-proof tricks to Sony. Sellers of tipple have long claimed that underage youth are buying their goods without any attempt on their part to market to those youth. That's pretty badass right there, so imagine what the man should be able to do with a product that's actually legal for those under drinking age...