
Today's hottest game video

Welcome to our inaugural coverage of the daily, most-watched YouTube game video. It's like TRL without the shout-outs, and you can actually watch the whole video. Not like we've watched TRL every day since back when it was called Total Request. Also, we hear that Justin Timberlake is bringing sexy back. But we digress: on to the video.

Today's YouTube gaming champion is a clip-fest of many weapons and characters from the World of Warcraft's Burning Crusade expansion. With a grooving I'm Too Sexy soundtrack (by Right Said Fred, and no, we didn't have to look that up), thrill as a shot of a weapon is rotated for a few seconds before the next one appears. Hundreds of times. Some weapons even lack textures, letting you imagine what they'll look like in the actual game. The second half of the 6:41 video is set to epic Eastern European choral-and-orchestra music that may or may not have opened The Hunt for Red October.

Finally, viewers who make it to the end of the video are rewarded with a few seconds of some sort of Warcraftian PG-13 simulated sex. What are you waiting for? The video is embedded after the break.

See also: Blizzard confirms The Sword of a Thousand Truths is real