
Lik-Sang phishing scam

Trick or treat. It appears that some internet scammers are trying to cash in on Lik-Sang's recent closure. PSP Hacks reports that a very legitimate-looking e-mail is being sent around:

As of today, will not be in the position to accept any new orders and will cancel and refund all existing orders that have already been placed. Furthermore, Lik-Sang is working closely with banks and PayPal to refund any store credits held by the company... Our records indicates you can retrieve an additional $ 9,99 USD refund in your PayPal account. In order to successfully retrieve the refund please confirm your existing PayPal account on this page...

The links provided may look normal, but they'll lead you a phishing trap, where they'll steal your PayPal account info. Ouch. That's uncool. Of course, you could stay theoretically protected from pages like this by switching over to the new Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2.