
Sony busting out three new PSP colors this month

We've been seeing these colorful PSPs around, but it looks like Sony is getting for reals and finally releasing them to the public. We've got pink, silver and blue, any one of which should significantly boost your fashionista cred, though we can't say they'll do a whole lot for your Locoroco score. If you want to take things to the next level, you can also nab an incredibly pink Samantha Thavasa purse for carrying your pink PSP, which will also do absolutely nothing for you Locoroco game, but plenty to inspire envy among teenage Japanese girls the world over. All of this will be hitting retail on November 22nd, but there's no word on price or whether this is some sort of limited run. As for cash, we suppose you could always crack open the PS3 fund, 'cause if you haven't nabbed one of 'em yet, the odds are slim you'll have need for that Yen before next year. We're also a tad curious about international availability, since those Lik-Sang and Play-Asia wells sure have dried up. Peep the purse after the break.