
Random acts of kindness for the PS3 line folk

Madness. That about sums up the cold, hostile, and high stakes state of PS3 lines around the nation right now. Make fun, call it crazy, whatever. Then enter benevolent Jimmy Canuck. The man's a stud. Here's his story:

"I had to pop into my local Best Buy this morning and saw about a dozen fanboys and one nice grandma huddled under plastic tarps and tents to keep themselves out of the freezing rain. So I drove across the parking lot to Tim Horton's and brought them all back hot chocolate. I thought about writing 'Buy a Wii instead' on the bottoms of all the cups, but by the time I thought of it they were already full of delicious chocolately goodness. It's an easy thing to do, especially if there aren't too many line campers in your area - so on your way home from work today stop by your local PS3 line-up and do something nice ... After all, these people might be trampled to death at any moment."

Maybe "desensitized" gamers can have a heart after all.

[via Kotaku]