
Do you watch video on your iPod?

I'm a big iPod video watcher. I love watching my shows while waiting on slow lines or at the dentist or at the DMV. My kids watch video when we're carpooling and my husband has a boatload of old John Wayne movies digitized that travel with us when we go to hotels. Perhaps we're not the most normal iPod users on Earth, but we use the iPod video features a lot. More than we even use the audio.

According to a recent study by Nielsen, we're completely out of step with most people.

Ars Technica reports that the demand for iPod video features is greatly overblown--if you believe Nielsen. After following 400 iPod users for a month, Nielsen concluded that a very small number of iPod users are interested in the video functionality of their iPod.

Now before you jump to any conclusions, keep in mind that those 400 users weren't all using video iPods--nearly a third didn't own or use video iPods. The Nielsen numbers suggest that only about 1% of the content played on the iPods they surveyed was video, a pretty pathetic showing. Even after restricting iPod use to video iPods, that number only rose to 2.2%.

Surprising, isn't it?

So what about you, TUAW readers? Do you use your iPod for video? Or are you mostly music listeners out there? Let us know in the comments as we conduct our own unscientific and highly skewed poll.