
Nintendo Power January issue details leaked

In getting all the news that's fit to print in the January issue of Nintendo Power, Codename Revolution has dropped several delicious morsels onto our plate. In an effort to save you the trouble of reading our paragraphs of text here, we'll just consolidate all of the important news into bullet points below.

  • WarioWare: Smooth Moves is to utilize a 'pass-the-Wiimote' 12-player multiplayer mode and Mii support (which we already knew).

  • The Wii Play bundle everyone else is getting has finally been confirmed for a January release in North America and will be bundled with the Wiimote.

  • A new baseball game has been revealed in The BIGS, which is set to release in Q3 2007 and will support online gameplay. It is being handled by 2K Sports and Big Castle Games.

  • The issue has an interview with Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi, where he claims that the Wiimote is too gimmicky for a Castlevania title.