
Get Halo 3 apparel at Hot Topic

Our fatherly figure Joystiq uncovered some gaming related goodies over at Hot Topic. No, not jewel encrusted black leather wrist straps silly, but Halo 3 apparel! Yup, black tshirts sporting that sexy H3 logo we enjoy so much ... yum. And I have a little different opinion than Joystiq about video game apparel for a game that won't be released for months. It's Halo 3, we fanboys friggin' love it! The apparel isn't just about the game or it's future release date, but is about the franchise, our excitment, and support for the game. Dare anyone question Halo 3 swag a year before launch ... if so, I banish you to a different fanboy site for all of 2007!

[Via Joystiq]