
Ryan Block on why an Apple phone is so anticipated

For the sake of not trampling trademarks, I guess we can no longer refer to the feverishly-anticipated Apple phone as an 'iPhone.' Nevertheless, no matter what you want to call it, Ryan Block has written an interesting analysis of why everyone wants an Applephone so badly. I think it's a great look at the dynamics of the industry and what a phone from Apple could mean for it, in part because Ryan includes a down-to-earth list of realities about the device. The list includes things such as questionable battery life and how Apple's minimalist design philosophies might not yield a perfect phone that will be adored by all - that is, if the phone even exists in the first place.

If you aren't quite tired of hearing about the Applephone just yet and you've been hoping for some more sensible insight into the possibilities of this much-rumored device, check out Ryan's post for a refreshing dose of speculative realism.