
Roxio delivers TiVoToGo for Mac -- yes Roxio

Yeah, you read that title correctly. Stumped by their inability to lock media down on the Mac like they did the PC, TiVo had no choice but to look elsewhere for Mac technical assistance in the development of their long overdue TiVoToGo software for the Macintosh. In comes Sonic, TiVo partner and developers of Roxio Toast. The new software doesn't require TiVo Desktop and is composed of four distinct functions: TiVo Transfer, Video Playback, DVD Burning, and Portable Conversions. TiVo Transfer allows you to pull .TIVO shows to your Mac either on demand, or via schedules. The player decrypts the .TIVO content in real time while Burn allows you burn content to DVD in one of two ways: archive shows for use on Mac (or PC) or burn for use in a set-top box. Take heed, the software does indeed embed a non-visible watermark of your Media Access key into converted video -- same as the PC kiddo. From Toast, clicking "Export" will bring up common profiles for iPod or PSP conversions -- you know, 320x240 and MPEG-4 or H.264 -- with iPod conversions dropped directly into iTunes. Toast 8 Titanium TiVoToGo retails for $100 (upgrade rebates available) and is available now according to Mr. Zatz. However, the link is currently dead... maybe Monday. No worries, you have alternative solutions.

[Via Zatz Not Funny!]